I know what you want. A blow-by-blow account of my myriad of emotions as the Amara Interior Blog Awards progressed, my utter delight/disbelief at winning the 'Best Written Blog' award, followed by a detailed description of what I drank/ate, and the contents of my goody bag. What? You're not super keen? Oh.
Oh all right then; I'll think of a different angle.
How about I tell my story of the night at the Kensington Design Museum through the medium of photo captions? It might not be entirely accurate, but it could be vaguely amusing. Please feel free to comment at the bottom with alternative captions for any of the photos. Basically, it's an episode of Have I Got News For You, but with bloggers...
The Award Ceremony
Daniel: "That's it Sophie! At this rate I reckon we've got Strictly in the BAG!"
Caroline (91 Magazine): "OMG - I left the iron on!"
Olivia (91 Magazine): " You think that's bad? I used superglue instead of lipgloss!"
Man wearing tie: "It's THIS BIG I tell you!"
Sarah (Girl About House): "Erm...I don't think so"
Man wearing jacket: "I don't think so either mate!"
Man wearing tie: "Honestly - I've seen the awards and they really are this big..."
Mark (Max Benjamin): "Oops! I thought we were kissing to the left - awkward..."
Sam (Amara): "I'll just avert my eyes, give them a bit of privacy"
Catherine (Dainty Dress Diaries): "Seriously, it's no problem for me to hold it for you while you go to the loo."
Me *through gritted teeth: "Not. Letting. Go."
Man: "I didn't realise there'd be THIS much oestrogen"
The Celebrations
Waiter: "Not a chance, guv. These are for the guests - hands off!"
Jo (Portrait Communications): "So she texted, 'I'd love to take you out for coffee some time,' and I replied, 'You spelled wine wrong!'"
Jess (Gold is a Neutral): "Help! Someone rescue me from the crazy pink lady"
Pink House Husband: "I don't know what she means I'm no good at multi-tasking - see how I hold her bag and some chips and look at a chip AT THE SAME TIME FERCHRISSAKES!"
Malcolm (DesignSixtyNine): "Och, just keep them coming ma good man - I can hold another between ma teeth nae worries!"
Pink House Husband: "This is the face I use when she starts banging on about cushions. Or pink"
Me: "Did I tell you about the amazing pink cushion I found the other day?"
Man in waistcoat: "Yeah it's my handbag - so what?"
With a massive THANK YOU to Amara for an excellent night. For a full list of the 2017 Amara Interior Blog Award winners, plus a short video of the night's highlights, click HERE