When we don’t have guests, this room is used as a home office by the Pink House Husband, who is a tricky, unadventurous client with dubious taste…
Read MorePHH wore the pink suit!
Pink House Living launches at sketch!
There was only one possible venue for the launch party of my first book, Pink House Living, and that was sketch in London’s Mayfair. A huge pink THANK YOU to everyone involved; it was a truly fabulous evening - here are some pics of the night…
Read MorePink House Living, the book of the blog, is out NOW!
I always dreamed of writing my own book. And so, when I started The Pink House blog/business three years ago, a book was part of the plan. I felt there was a gap in the market for a beautiful, colourful interiors book that inspired its readers to create a home that made them truly happy, while making them laugh…
Read MoreSexy AND practical - what more could you want from a (otto)man?/Photo: Susie Lowe
Why you need an ottoman in your life
Wherever we live, we all wish we had more space. Especially if - like me - you live in London, where property costs an average of £7000 per square metre. Eek! And so we need to be making the most of every inch.
Read MoreThe jetty at the resort, complete with lounging nets and cushions
Our five favourite things about the Mark Warner Phokaia beach resort
With such differing approaches to good times, finding a holiday to suit every family member isn’t always easy. But find one we did, in the shape of our recent half-term break to Mark Warner’s new Phokaia Beach Resort in Turkey…
Read More"It's like we got a really nice big sofa then GOT RID OF HALF OF IT with all these bloody cushions"/Photo: Gavin Smith
Pink House Husband Overheard
This post pays homage to more! magazine's 'Men Overheard' page, while providing the perfect platform for some of PHH's recent opinions on a variety of subjects he is ill equipped to have opinions about...
Read MoreNever ever letting go of this wow-factor Jonathan Adler vase
The Pink House London sitting room - big festive reveal!
Amara's Kitschmas trend ticks all of my Christmas decor boxes: Pink - tick! Irreverent - tick! Luxurious - tick! Shiny and sparkly - tick! Confectionary-as-Christmas-theme - tick! This made choosing from the wide selection of decor deliciousness very difficult, as you can imagine. But choose I did...
Read MoreEmily wasn't listening when the fish said she'd taken on too much
Renovation deflation: lessons I’ve learned this week
I’m recklessly ignoring the unwritten Renovation Rule Book, and trying to do too many things in too short a time frame, with not enough information, and only the merest hint of approval from the Pink House Husband (i.e. I haven’t actually told him what I’m up to)...
Read MoreC.P. Hart's collaboration with House of Hackney: I'll take the lot please
3 beautiful blush and brass bathrooms my husband hates
Although I'm feeling the pressure to create a bathroom as Pinterest-popular as my last one, at least I have my trump card (surely we need another term - "obama card"?): PINK. And not just pink - blush pink and brass!
Read MoreMy favourite mugs, Pink House Husband not included
The Perfect Pink House Cuppa
It’s safe to say tea is kind of a big deal in The Pink House. I would estimate that, on a typical work-from-home weekday, about 10 milky cups of the stuff are consumed between myself and the Pink House Husband...
Read MorePink as F**k at the Amara Interior Blog Awards 2016
It all started with a Pinterest pic of fashion editor Giovanna Battaglia wearing a sweary pink top. When I saw the photo I knew one thing: I NEEDED that t-shirt.
Read MorePink House Husband, his errant wife, and a morsel of banana/Photo: Andrea Thomson
The Pink House Husband's Styling Challenge!
Last week, when PHH objected to my latest cushion acquisition, I had a lightbulb moment. Instead of ignoring/arguing with his interior design-based complaints, perhaps it was time to let him HAVE HIS OWN WAY...
Read MoreThe Church of Booze, Amanyara
7 Life Lessons (Accidentally) Learned at Amanyara
I didn't go to the luxury resort of Amanyara in the Caribbean's Turks & Caicos islands to learn anything. Quite the opposite; I went to kill as many braincells as possible with exotic booze, gaze mindlessly at the sparkling ocean, and forget about being a parent for a week.
Read MoreA Halsted cushion sitting pretty in The Pink House under a zebra/Photo: Susie Lowe
The African Connection
When it comes to decorating the Pink House, if an item has an African connection, chances are PHH is going to approve. So when I first clapped my eyes on hot new South African interiors brand Halsted's vibrant, joyful designs, I knew they'd be welcome at the Pink House any time.
Read More'But they have a table just like this in your favourite pub'/Photo: Duresta
Q: My husband won’t agree to my fabulous interiors ideas. Can you help?
As someone who has, shall we say, rather colourful tastes, I find the Pink House Husband, with his love of white-with-brown (or, occasionally, brown-with-white), can be a little obstructive when it comes to my more fabulous interior ideas.
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